We provide data science consulting and leadership to fit your business needs.
We design and build custom machine learning solutions; from logistic regression and random forests to deep neural networks. Machine learning can be used to solve many business challanges. ML can be used for automating tasks for an operations team, deciding the next lead to contact, which image or text to get the best CTR, or predicting if a customer may churn!
Data science is an approach to solving problems using data in an iterative fashion. An experienced data scientist identifies key business metrics and attaches these metrics to a solution. Then, by using machine learning methods that target the identified metrics, the data scientist can optimize business goals directly.
Solving problems big or small, slow or fast. Apache Spark, Elastic Search, Google Cloud, AWS and more. We can help design systems that will help your business take advantage of data. It's common common challenge to add data science and machine learning to an existing business. Closing the communication gap between infrastructure, development, business and management teams is one of our specialties.